Sunday, February 1, 2015


Happy Sunday Peeps!

(What's On Aaron's Mind)

I am waking up with a sense of absolute awe of the journey I have been chosen for in my circle of life on this planet!

I sit at my desk in utter amazement as Official Second Chance Stroke Survivors nears 1500 members from around the world in my Official West Coast Chapter alone!

I let in around 8 to 10 people a week! Second Chance Stroke Survivors has only been around 15 months! Come on! That's pretty impressive!
Second Chance Stroke Survivors has around 25 Chapters and Division Groups around the world!

This is just in my Official Chapter!

What I have found!

Ok look my stroke took away my ability to walk (for now) stroke took away my ability to communicate easily, took my ability to understand speech and sounds easily, and paralyzed me on my left side just to name a few of many!

But honestly peeps I am more fulfilled, more satisfied and more at peace with my life than I've ever been!

The key?

Help your fellow man!

He's cold? Give him a blanket, He's hungry give him something to eat! He's lonely and dark? Inspire and bring him light!

I have found that the key to living a truly fulfilled and satisfying life is not the big house or fancy car. It's putting someone else's needs above your own!

Try it peeps!

Lots of good energy your way,

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