Penny Braley 22 hrs Hey there Aaron Avila, Hope you can forgive my delay in properly thanking you for all the time, effort & love that you have shared with all of us in this group! Thanks to both you sir & God, several months ago I was reunited (for the first time after 3 years & 9 months) with a dear hospital rehab mate & my former speech therapist. Our families have met up more than once & we look forward to seeing them again soon. I love what you are doing! Please sir, never doubt what appears to be your "second chance calling" has been a blessing to my personal healing in ways even you couldn't possibly imagine. I had the pleasure to briefly speak with Rebecca Hensley-Avila and can tell you are equally blessed in your life. Keep up the good work you two! My response was: This touches my heart deeply! My honor! You guys are the most amazing people on the face of planet earth! GOOOOOOOO! STROKE SURVIVORS!
This will be an intentional vent Blog! I HATE STROKE for taking me as fast as lightning strikes, from 100% helpful to my family to 100% helpless to my family! So helpless am I, my very life as I know it depends on them! And you know what? They love me like no other would on the face of planet earth! So my vent just turned to extreme gratefulness! I have a family that loves me like no other! Complain? Yes! They deserve to vent also! Right? So don't take it personal stroke survivor for they need to vent like you! Love life, love the fact you've been allowed to live another day! HOPE, FAITH AND LOVE! THE GREATEST OF THESE IS LOVE!
Hi peeps! Over the last few days I've been allowed to see the truth to what allowed me to build Second Chance Stroke Survivors into the global movement it has become! Without this one person SCSS would not have been ever been born! I'm filled with humbleness and a deep gratefulness. It's my wife and best friend Rebecca Avila! Whom without her unfailing love, I would not be the stroke survivor I am today! With every fiber I am as a man on planet earth! THANK YOU MY LOVE, MY EVERYTHING ................ REBECCA AVILA! I LOVE YOU WITH ALL I AM, AARON
Hi peeps! Over the course of creating Second Chance Stroke Survivors and so many Chapters and Division Groups around the globe, That there are several stroke support groups I think the creators lose sight of why they created the support group in the first place. It becomes about the group not what's good for the stroke survivors. In this type of group I'm seen more as a threat than an asset. Sad really.
After watching Oprah Winfrey's Super Soul Sunday this morning I can stay silent no longer! Peeps you know I'm against man made religion! Their rules, their ability to outwardly make people think they have the truth when it's a total lie and facade! You can tell it's a manmade religion by the bad fruit it bears! Hate, Judgment, Threat of Hellfire and brimstone if you step out of line! This religion of man betrays God sitting on a cloud separated from you his creation, waiting to hurl lightning bolts at you when you step out of line! You see men in this church control other men by instilling fear in them! All done in the name of God! Man's religion totally and inaccurately betrays who God the creator of the universe is! Shame on them! Your God, the creator of this universe is a God who truly loves you! He wants only the very best life for you! He only want's success for you on this planet! He doesn't judge you and find you unworthy of his love and favor! He right now wants to lavish you with his love and favor just the way you are! Not empty, hollow religion of men but an intimate relationship with the creator of the universe! What brought this up is since my near deathexperience my life has never been the same! My eyes have been opened to the truth! I have been there! There is a whole lot more to life on this planet than we've been told! Seek spiritual truth and follow your heart! With lots of powerful love energy, Aaron