While on the floor stretching and meditating I got a strong pull to write you this letter you're now reading.
First let me clear the air!
Let's face it! I was a total dick head asshole my first chance!
But a near death experience along with a stroke that has left me 1/2 paralyzed, unable to talk well and wheelchair bound has a way of waking your ass up!
I now see life totally different! I now have a to my core gratefulness for my life!
I see life and people with a spiritual clarity that's breathtaking!
Who I was as a man, before surviving a massive brain aneurysm and stroke September 17th 2010 has radically changed who I am today!
I now see all 3 of you as you are to me! My spiritual brothers!
Guys, (especially Bob) please forgive me for all I did to you! I got in way way over my head business wise! This left me weak and vulnerable to predators! Bob, please forgive me? I truly feel remorse!
I will tell you that I have changed so radically, I created a global movement to help stroke survivors called Second Chance Stroke Survivors Worldwide. We have 45+ Chapters and Division Groups in over 18 countries around the globe!
I write a Blog that has over 41,000 pageviews in 9 countries.
I'm currently writing a book.
My Pinterest is climbing daily! Average monthly views is at 18,000!
My brothers I can't walk, I can't talk very well, I'm 1/2 paralyzed and we have survived the past 5 years on less than $19,000 a year!
But I tell you the truth! I am the most inwardly fulfilled person than I've ever been!
How? Why?
I help stroke survivors around the world!
I can't describe the human energy produced when someone says to you ........... You saved my life! I've had numerous people tell me that!
I have found, through stroke, that life on this planet is 100% about helping other human beings in this world!
Than and only than can one find true satisfying fulfillment in this life!
Sorry brothers! Very passionate!
So, Mark, I hear you're the Grand Poobah of the tank world! lol Proud of you brother!
I would like to take this time to say thank you to each one of you for the influential role you all played in my life! With every fiber of who I am as a man THANK YOU!
With the most powerful force in the universe, Love,
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