Wednesday, February 11, 2015


I wanted to share with you 100% real who I am.

I am a stroke survivor just like you. September 17th 2010 is when as fast as lighting strikes I became a stroke survivor!

Funny thing is I can't walk, Paralyzed left side and Dysarthria among many other deficits.

I also was given a gift through stroke.

A heart and love for all stroke survivors around the world! I have never in my circle of life on this planet felt such a drive and passion to help people in need as I do now!

This desire to help stroke survivors around the world wells up from the very fiber of who I am as a man.

It has become who I am!

For I am not motivated by selfish greed but by a true and deep love for my fellow stroke survivors!

I figure it must be gift!

My hearts all consuming desire is to help transition a stroke victim to a stroke survivor. To bring light to those stroke survivors that are trapped in darkness. Bring hope to the hopeless, inspire a stroke survivor to never give up!

Now if this is a gift. How can I can ever take credit for something given me? I can't!

I want you with all certainty that I do what I do for you guys!

Why Inspirational T-Shirts and Shoes Built For Stroke Survivors? Personal gain? ABSOLUTELY NOT MY MOTIVATION! IT'S FOR YOU! I'M TRYING TO INSPIRE YOU!

Part of who I am is Admin of 37 Groups Around the world.

I interact with members on a confidential manner. I see the side of people that most don't.

With all my heart I wish I could help 100% of stroke survivors around the world but I have found I can not! Oh I try so hard! It's more like 99.99% There is .1% no matter how bad I want to or how hard I try ......... I just can't!

Trust me peeps I try with every fiber of who I am!

Part of my responsibility as Admin is I have the unpleasant job of removing members that don't belong! I hate this part! But I have to keep SCSS healthy and that means once in awhile (thank God)! I need to prune away some of the limbs that I'm seeing may make the whole SCSS tree sick eventually. TRUST ME I DON'T LIKE THIS PART BUT IT MUST BE DONE!

So if you hear anything else about me you'll know it's not true because it's not who I am.


Aaron Avila

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