Thursday, December 10, 2015


So I feel inspired to throw this out to the universe and see if I get anything back?

Are you a millionaire and want to use your gift of money to literally impact mankind and help people around the world and actually transform and improve their quality of life like this planet has never seen before!

Hi! My name is Aaron and I'm a wheelchair bound stroke survivor who has started a stroke support group movement that has gone global!

My personal story.

My primary hashtag:

My primary Facebook Group: Second Chance Stroke Survivors Worldwide.

There are 1,000's of awesome human beings out there in desperate need of human kindness called stroke survivors. 

Shut Ins, Bedridden, 1/2 paralyzed, Wheelchair Bound, Cognitively unable to work, and Families with young children. Stroke survivor ages ranging from newborn to 70+

Like myself, unable to work, and Medical only paying under 19,000 a year for the past 5 years! They are in desperate need of financial help! They are also in need of proper medical care! 

Please be their miracle!

First order of business will be to hire an attorney and make Second Chance Stroke Survivors a certified nonprofit. This will also empower us to be able to raise additional funds globally.

Second will be to set up constructs to be able to offer appropriate financial aid.


Okay I'm going to speak from the heart. Need your feedback.

So this is the way I feel. So I'll just say it and we can discuss later.
I by no means want to sound selfish because I'm not! 

I love my stroke survivors around the world with a divine to my core love I can not put words to.

So here's what I'm thinking. 

Thanks to family helping us out financially right down to my mom and dad giving my son their Honda car so he had transportation to and from school. 

Now my disability pays under 19,000 a year. 

That tells you how much financial help we've needed. 

My disability doesn't even cover our mortgage.

We've lost everything but our house (thanks to my mom dad and son). I have a one of a kind family! If not for a true and genuine love my family has for me, I would not be the awesome stroke survivor I am today! They mean everything to me!

I need to make millions so I can give it to my brother and sister stroke survivors in need and give back to my awesome family a smidgen of what they've given me over the last 5 years. 


My folks took money from a reverse mortgage now critically low. (No retirement)

Dad now dying death eminent. Dad's disability stops for my mom when he dies. Significant! Remember because of my stroke funds in their reverse mortgage got taken critically low.

Very concerned for my mom and there's nothing I can do to help her! My dad is dying! 

My wife had to sell her $14,000 (AV) wedding ring way under value to make the mortgage one month.

We need a reliable form of transportation. My wife's VW Passat is a salvaged title and has developed a catastrophic mold issue inside.

I also need dental implants desperately.

So I'm thinking it's sound to get my family and I financially stable first.

How can I help my fellow stroke survivors in extreme need, when I'm in extreme need myself?

The passion and love I have for stroke survivors around the world is 100% God given!

Please, if you would consider helping me help them, together we will change the world!

I have Dysarthria and can't talk on the phone so please contact my awesome wife Rebecca and let me know. Her Cell number is 707-326-6588.

With the power of love, 

Aaron Avila 

Like my brother Joel Osteen told me! Wait expectantly!

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