Friday, August 8, 2014


Tibetan Monks Relax Music:

Here is some awesome meditation music!

In files in our Official Second Chance Stroke Survivors Group there is a meditation how to for beginners!

I found the following over the last few months of trying to learn to meditate:

According to Dr. Jill Bolton Taylor Author Of My Stroke Of insight and world renowned Neuroscientist said that each of our brains has brain chatter.

It's your right brain talking to your left brain.

You ever lay down do to relax and your brain chatter is so loud you just get up?

With diligent practice you can learn to silence this chatter.

When in this meditative state I like visualize my paralyzed fingers moving eace finger at a time! 3 months my fingers are starting to twitch!

So read the how to meditate in Second Chance Stroke Survivors files and let me know what happens?

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