Wednesday, November 6, 2013


This is my brain so I don't expect you to agree.
Since the hardest life event I feel a human can go through on this stroke, I have found that my brain has changed completely.
The true meaning to our lives on this planet I'm now starting to understand.
The awesome power of human energy and our brains has overwhelmed me.
The planet is now become my playground!
Who of you know anyone that can say....they have impacted the whole planet? I can!
My pasion in and drive has gone from self preservation in my first chance and in my second chance it's become other's preservation. Ya I haven't walked for over 3 years, I can't talk very well but what I'm learning feels worth it!
My heart breaks every time I come across a stroke survivor depressed and longing to be like they were in there first life but see themselves as stroke victims instead of survivor's!
Strong like no other. ...a survivor of what kills most! I mean I'm for sure supposed to be dead!
But I'm alive!
I've been given a second chance!
I mean who do you know that they have lived 2 distinct lives in this one?
I can!
I've been given a second chance!

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