Sunday, November 3, 2013


I woke this morning with a realization how exact and true this insight to the life is. How we loose a deep core value of our own life and  the people in our lives when we live like we are are never going to die. For before my stroke and near death event, I also lived like I was never going to die. Going through the grind never stopping to realize how the gift of life on this planet will without fail end.
When we live like we are never going to die we miss out on the deep appreciation of our own life and the people given to us in our lives. Our own lives and people in our lives become less valuable.
So today my dear brothers and sisters given to me in my life let us realize and become deeply aware that we are all part of the circle of life. The short gift of birth, life and death is part of who we are. Realizing this, let us stop the grind to tell ones close to our hearts how much we love and appreciate them. Stop and enjoy the sun rise the sunset, the stars and the awesome beauty on our planet. That argument we just had with our loved one will not be so important knowing that the circle of life stops for no man on this planet.

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