Thursday, October 10, 2013


When I got up from my so called nap really a rest,, I felt the strong tug to wright this Blog. So here goes!

There is one person that has been close to my side like no other person on the face of this planet. One that has always been tight by my side and never left it! During the scariest, darkest time I have ever known on this planet. My wife, my everything, my one true love Rebecca Avila.
Who has proven to be stronger than I think she even realizes.
If it was not for Rebecca, my life, as I know it today would not exist. From the time my aneurysm exploded in my brain until this very day she has been tight by my side. In my book I owe her my life!
When I couldn't speak..............she spoke for me...............when I couldn't fight.............she fought for me................ Her name is Rebecca Avila.
She never has let me down!
She keeps our family together, a roof over our head and incredible meals in our bellies.............her name is Rebecca.
She is an amazing women!
Strong? That word is not powerful enough to describe her. Awesome!.............closer. Her name is Rebecca!
With every fiber of me as a man...................thank you Rebecca! Thank you for all you have done, currently do and will do for me and your family..................THANK YOU!

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