Saturday, December 14, 2013


From the album: Mobile Uploads
By Robin Schneider
I've been going to the same hairdresser for the last 20 years. Today while I was in her chair we talked about how I'm dealing with my post stroke brain injury. My mother had explained to her how different I am and has sought her support as her husband has a very similar brain inj...ury. I startle easily, I can't multitask, loud noises are horrible and painful, I'm more withdrawn, I drop everything, I trip often, my hand is numb, I feel numb emotionally and I don't always react well emotionally in difficult situations. Some people have been patient and understanding, others not so much. Most people don't really notice but my family and children really do. Today I asked her what I could do to reconnect with my children emotionally, I know they are mourning a loss as the more noise they make the more I need to get away. She told me to sit down and make paper chains and snowflakes with them and to try wearing earplugs. It was amazing, we laughed, smiled, talked and made more eye contact than we have in months. They are so happy tonight. Thank you Heather for always giving me the best advice and hair ♥

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